Cimbali UK video guide on how to make the perfect Espresso
5 June, 2014

Cimbali UK video explains how to make the perfect Espresso. This simple easy to follow video guide will have you making the perfect espresso in no time.
Espresso coffee is an intense hit of pure coffee indulgence. Making espresso is not as easy as it looks which is why this video will give guide you to making the perfect Espresso. Did you know that Espresso is not type of coffee bean, or a type of roast. Espresso is simply a method in which to brew coffee.
Our method:
- Make sure your hopper has fresh beans
- The hopper should be at least 1/3 full – if you are going to be busy fill the hopper as needed
- Remove handle from the group
- Knock out any coffee already present and wipe dry
- Select the correct coffee dose for the group handle
- Push handle onto the button to activate coffee delivery
- Ensure coffee is leveled and then do a light first tamp
- Followed by 3nd firm and level tamp to around 30lb of pressure
- Clean any coffee grinds from rim
- Ensure that the group is flushed before inserting group handle back in
- Lock the handle back into the group
- Press correct button for the coffee you require
- Place appropriate cup under the spouts
- You should have thick, honey like pour of espresso – delivering a perfect espresso into the cup
Espresso shot is the foundation of a huge amount of coffee drinks – the base for just some of the following:
- Cappuccino – adding steamed and foamed milk to the espresso coffee
- Café latte – adding steamed milk and a touch of foamed milk to the espresso coffee
- Macchiato – adding a touch of foamed milk to an espresso coffee
- Americano – adding an espresso coffee to hot water to make a black espresso coffee