Meet Nathaniel Adeniregun – Cimbali Coffee Trainer

We caught up with Nathaniel Adeniregun recently and here’s what he had to say about his role at Cimbali:
“Although my official job title is coffee trainer, I look at it as more of a brand ambassador role. Representing Cimbali and acting as the face of the company out in the field, building new connections whilst maintaining relationships with existing customers, it’s all part of the working day for me.
My previous experience has included the hospitality sector, progressing from bartender/bar manager to coffee shop manager and then working my way into this role here at Cimbali.
I’ve enjoyed learning more about the coffee industry, there’s so much that goes on behind the scenes with so many people who are incredibly passionate about coffee, it’s inspiring to be around them.
I played football and basketball growing up so I’ve always been competitive, pushing myself to my limits and learning as much as I can to improve what I do.
Focusing on the tiny details (maybe to a fault) has helped me learn so much about coffee and coffee machines in a short amount of time. When I’m not working, I will always try and visit as many coffee shops as I can to learn a bit more and taste the great coffee we have in the UK.
I am really looking forward to my future here at Cimbali, making more connections in this industry and pushing myself to the next level.”