Meet Scott Lannon Area Sales Manager

“For the past 15 years, my life has revolved around two things, the gym and coffee.
Either I’ve worked in coffee (I started at Matthew Algie at M&S café then Bewleys/Grumpy Mule) and gym has been my passion. Or, when I earned a living as a personal trainer, coffee became a hobby, all be it, an all-consuming one.
In my twenties, whilst living in Brighton, I got really hooked on the whole fitness scene, much of it for vanity reasons but I also appreciated the mental and emotional benefits too.
I’d train 4-5 times per week, switching between powerlifting and bodybuilding and achieved competition standard, of which I’m very proud.
I’d set myself goals and then move the goalposts, always pushing myself that little bit further.
The lockdown was a challenge for a lot of people, but unlike many that stayed home and did very little, I used the time on furlough to increase my fitness even further.
Finding a gym that remained open through the pandemic, I’d do a 90 min round trip to Liverpool every day just to train.
During time in the coffee industry, I’ve always set myself high standards and have become quite well known, always seeking opportunities to increase my knowledge and skills.
I have completed my professional barista/brewing/and foundation-level sensory qualifications with the SCA which is a great foundation on which to build.
I have coached a few people including Arran Stein twice, who come 4th in the UKBC a few weeks ago, and I take some credit in teaching Michael Bell when we were at Bewleys/Grumpy Mule who won Cup tasters last year!
I plan on competing again at the end of this year.
I think I now have the perfect work-life balance, with time to enjoy all the things that are important to me.
Life is good and I really can’t complain.”