Cimbali Casadio speeds up service

26 October, 2021
#cimbali Casadio speeds up service at Pity Me Nursery

The Pity Me Nursery and Tea Barn, Durham has taken delivery of two Cimbali Casadio traditional espresso machines and two Elective on-demand grinder dosers.
The Casadio is a robust, high-tech machine with stainless steel hot water dispenser and two multi-directional steam wands for making milk-based coffees such as lattes, cappuccinos and flat whites.
According to Rachel Ashplant at the Tea Barn, “The machine is very simple to use, I really can’t fault it. The grinder does all the hard work for us and even tamps the coffee automatically. This helps speed up service which is great when we are busy at the weekends.”

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