Wenzel’s powers through the crisis with Cimbali on board

Wenzel’s the Bakers has partnered with La Cimbali to install S20 and S30 superautomatic bean to cup machines across the estate, most recently at new bakeries in Barnet and Enfield, which opened for business whilst most of the UK was in lockdown.
The Cimbali S20/S30 uses fresh milk and fresh coffee beans to deliver freshly brewed, barista standard coffees on demand. Touch screen controlled and featuring unique patented technologies which regulate the brew cycle for optimum performance, these machines are robust and super-fast, guaranteeing consistent coffee quality whilst avoiding queues at the till.
Wenzel’s made a strategic decision to remain open for business through the COVID-19 crisis, installing Perspex screens; floor stickers; masks and gloves, and by swapping out existing merchandising with wrapped food and introducing new hygiene procedures across the business in order to meet social distancing measures.
“t would have been easy to shut up shop, but as a business we had the flexibility to adapt quickly to the changing landscape, said Attila Juhasz, Operations Director for Wenzel’s the Bakers. “We decided to power ahead with the launch of the new sites in Barnet High Street and Enfield Church Street despite what was unfolding around us.”
Cimbali also supplied S20 superautomatics to replace other branded machines which failed during the lockdown, when no backup service was available from that particular manufacturer.
“We worked with Cimbali prior to the machine installs to implement safe working practices, with the health and safety of staff and customers our main priority,” said Attila. “I have been really impressed with the way that Cimbali has responded to the crisis with a positive, can-do attitude.”
“Barnet and Enfield shops (S30 machines) have opened as planned, and we have been able to keep customers happy with a full range of delicious, Lavazza speciality coffees across all our stores which I am delighted about.”
Cimbali has continued to maintain a full customer service operation through the lockdown with telephone support and field engineers available for new installs, planned preventative maintenance calls and PSSR checks as usual.
“How a business decides to support customers through a crisis is quite telling on that operation and we are delighted to have been of help to Wenzel’s as they continue their expansion plans,” said Daniel Clarke, Managing Director, La Cimbali.
“The new stores are open and coffee is flowing and I am delighted about that, not least because Wenzel’s is offering free coffee and cake to NHS workers which is an excellent gesture.”